Politically Incorrect...
while being semantically challenging and grammatically free
this ain't no party, this ain't no disco...

i'm sorry, that's a terrible thing to say.... but... you are a fucking ANGEL and you don't even get it. do you have any idea how brilliant you are? yes.... it is a HUGE responsibility... but it brings with it massive emotional rewards.... and many burdens... but in the end we have to make these things balance out towards the positive... and the only way that happens is by us making a decision that it has to... it is the energy within us, that we extend to the world around us and to the people we love that makes it come out to on the plus.
it's entirely our decision. that's why there are so many miserable fucking people in the world. because they have tv and religion and religion on tv to make them think that there is a happy fucking ending, and there just isn't one... for anyone... we will all die.... the people we love will all die and either we will cry for them or they will cry for us.... and with any luck we will pass on children to remember us and to continue the positive decisions we make and maybe we build something or create something or discover something and help the world... if we're really lucky. .